Title: Blue Wind Mandala
Description: Introducing a mesmerizing piece of art, encased in a 23x23 inch frame that accentuates its visual appeal. The artwork, a 15-inch diameter circular masterpiece, is an amalgamation of intricate designs and patterns. The rich blue tones intertwined with lighter hues create a captivating visual experience, drawing the observer into its depths. Every stroke and detail is meticulously crafted to form an abstract yet harmonious blend of artistry that is bound to be the centerpiece of any room.
Dimensions: The artwork measures approximately 15 inches in diameter. The frame measures 23 by 23 Inches.
Materials: The artwork is painted on high-quality canvas using acrylic paints.
Artist: Allegra Harrington
Shipping: We offer free shipping within the United States.
Returns: If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we offer a 30-day return policy.
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